Friday, November 21, 2008


From Single to Married

(come visit me at

My name is Tabitha and this is the story about my life. It’s the story of how I made it as a single girl, the adventures I had, the mistakes I made, and the lessons I learned. It includes some of my past experiences (just so that I don’t forget them) as well as current ones (just to keep me sane). It is about my move from the east coast to the west and back again, where I now live in our nation’s capitol. It’s also about how I recently closed one chapter of my life to begin a new one. One that includes my husband, the CPA, our dog, Oscar, and our cat, Sophie.
My goal is to chronicle these various chapters (otherwise known as my “everyday life,” “engagement life,” “single life,” “married life,” “home life,” and “pregnancy life,” though not necessarily in that order) with the idea that one day I just may share them with my future child (children?). And there will be lots of photos because I believe that photos tell a story all by themselves.


Debby said...

Being able to look back on your story is a wonderful thing. It puts things into perspective somehow. Don't be afraid to start it, one story at a time. Good luck!

Femin Susan said...

Thanks for sharing!
I really enjoyed reading this post. Keep writing..